Mangochi based renowned Sheikh Fahad Kansuli has attributed the eid-ul Adha controversy to the differences on the imam that Muslims follow in the country. Sheikh Kansuli said this in an interview with Malawi Muslims website soon after eid salaat at Mangochi community ground on Tuesday morning.
He said most of the indigenous Malawian Muslims follow imam shafee who clearly stated the need for Muslims not attending Hajj to make eid salaat a day after the pilgrims have performed hajj rituals at Mount Arafat in Makkah.
“Imam said that our beloved prophet Muhammad (SAW) advised us to fast first days of Dhul Hijja but said it of great significance to fast on the day of Arafat and that Eid should be prayed the following day,” said Sheikh Kansuli.
But the Sheikh said this is in sharp contrast to what Imam Abu Hanifa stated on the same issue citing that Muslims should fast on the day of Arafat in regard to their sighting of the moon in their country or area.
“This is why some have been saying that we should pray eid on Wednesday. But to me I feel not comfortable with that because day of Arafat is fixed since it’s a day which we are advised to fast subsequently performing eid salaat the next day as we have done today.’’ He continued.
The prayers were attended by Muslims from different areas around Mangochi town .But some areas of the Lakeshore are said to pray on Wednesday.
This difference in regard to the day of observing eid salaat will with no skeptical affect the Qurban period.
According to the Sunna, the period is required to take place in the space of three days after performing the salaat. However, with this difference some will continue slaughtering animals while their colleagues have stopped doing the ritual.
Meanwhile the Majilis Ulama Council of Malawi will convene and map the way forward so this should not be repeated in the future.
Reporting by Ali Blessings Idi in Mangochi