It is not a secret that the Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA) Malawi is a leading organization in propagating Islam in the country.
The organization bankrolls several Daw’ah training workshops to equip its volunteers and other Muslims with advanced and modern ways of conducting Daw’ah.
From today, 25th February to tomorrow 26th February, 2023, the organization is drilling its volunteers on sophisticated ways of conducting Daw’ah in line with the teachings of Islam at Mama Khadija Islamic Centre, Area 22 (A) in Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe.
The first class training workshops that have been organised targeting the organization’s male volunteers only have brought together over 30 participants from Lilongwe.
“The training workshops need to equip the volunteers who are always at the forefront of propagating Islam to diligently accomplish the prophetic duty. It is mandatory for every Muslim to spread Islam,” a member from iERA Malawi (central region) told Muslim Media Agency.
Today, two officials from iERA Malawi joined forces to equip the volunteers with advanced Daw’ah skills.
“There are several ways that people use to conduct Daw’ah but at iERA we prefer GORAP. GORAP is iERA’s dawah conversation framework based on a Qur’anic methodology. It allows you to take any conversation about Islam directly to the foundations of the religion.The acronym stands for God’s Existence, Oneness, Revelation, And Prophethood,” the first presenter said.
The presenter reiterated on the essence of knowing why Muslims should prioritize Daw’ah.
“Every Muslim is demanded to conduct Daw’ah. Daw’ah is an obligation meaning we have to do it. Allah will reward us for fulfilling this obligation,” he said.
The iERA Malawi official advised the volunteers to always use both logic and Islamic guidelines when conducting Daw’ah to avoid fueling situations that can lead to unmeaningful conversations because the process of propagating Islam must always be strategic.
Another presenter drilled the volunteers on testimony (shahadah). The presenter among others tipped them on nine parts of Shahadah that include the essence of having knowledge about Islam, being truthful, acceptance , being sincere , loving and avoid hate in the process of conducting Daw’ah.
Speaking in an interview with Muslim Media Agency, the volunteers commemded iERA Malawi for the initiative saying the training workshops are game changers.
Daw’ah is an Arabic word which has the literal meaning of “issuing a summons,” or “making an invitation.” This term is often used to describe how Muslims teach others about the beliefs and practices of their Islamic faith.
In Islam, it is believed that the fate of each person is in Allah’s hands, so it is not the responsibility or right of individual Muslims to attempt to “convert” others to the faith. The goal of Daw’ah, then, is merely to share information, to invite others towards a better understanding of the faith. It is, of course, up to the listener to make his or her own choice.
iERA is dedicated to advancing the Prophetic Mission – compassionately and intelligently sharing Islam with the world. Founded in 2010, the organization aims to achieve this by empowering individuals through their support, development and empowerment to become ambassadors of Islam.