Sheikh Rafiq Shaibu from Phalombe district is asking well-wishers to provide portable water at Kotamu Village, Traditional Authority Jenala in the district.
Speaking in an exclusive interview with Muslim Muslim Media Agency yesterday , the Muslim leader says people in the village are using water from unsafe wells.
“People in the area have no portable water. They are drinking water from unsafe wells that is putting their lives at risk of suffering from diseases such as cholera,” Sheikh Yotamu told Muslim Media Agency.
The Sheikh says it always unpleasant to see people in the area using such water hence asking well-wishers to provide boreholes.
“In fact, I have just mentioned that one village but there are many villages in TA Jenala that are lacking portable water. We are requesting well-wishers to bail them out. People in the area are requesting for boreholes, ” he says.
Sheikh Shaibu has singled out villages such as Nadaiza Village, Mpinga village, Dzanjo village, Ngwengwe village, Kaulele village, Kaporo village Rodrick village and Dewu village Traditional Authority Jenala as some of the areas experiencing the problem.
The United Nation (UN) Sustainable Development Goal number 6 on water and sanitation by 2030, seeks to ensure safe drinking water and sanitation for all, focusing on the sustainable management of water resources, wastewater and ecosystems, and acknowledging the importance of an enabling environment.
According to UN, while substantial progress has been made in increasing access to clean drinking water and sanitation, billions of people-mostly in rural areas- still lack these basic services.
Worldwide, one in three people do not have access to safe drinking water, two out of five people do not have a basic hand-washing facility with soap and water, and more than 673 million people still practice open defecation.
Sheikh Rafiq Shaibu can be reached on +265 991467283